Get The Complete Backyard Revolution™ System and 5 Special Bonuses for Only $247 $17 Today!

Regular Price: $247

TODAY: $17

Backyard Revolution™

By Zack Bennett

  • Backyard Revolution System
  • Bonus #1: Homestead EMP Protection Protocol
  • Bonus #2: Energy Stockpiling Secrets
  • Bonus #3: Homestead Alternative Energy Sources
  • Bonus #4: 1-Year Unlimited Email Support
  • Bonus #5: 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Limited Time Only!

What's Backyard Revolution™?

An outstanding way to save money on your power bill and keep the electricity flowing in your home no matter what happens, the Backyard Revolution system is disaster-proof, drought-proof, and recession-proof. In short, by following the simple steps outlined in Backyard Revolution, you can easily power your entire home or augment your existing power supply while achieving exceptional cost savings. Better yet, even when the power grid goes out, your backyard power plant will continue to deliver all of the electricity that you and your family want and need.

Backyard Revolution provides step-by-step instructions that even a complete novice can use to create a revolutionary solar power system in a very short time. Incredibly efficient and environmentally friendly, this system is your ticket to energy independence at a price that virtually anyone can afford.

I've saved $292 in the first three months alone, and it's all thanks to you. I still can't get over how simple following the plan you shared in your presentation was. It was life-changing! My monthly bills haven't been over $53 in months! I have my life back and it's all because of you! *Disclaimer: Individual results may vary and results may not be typical.

Christian, from San Diego

Zack, your presentation saved my life. I can't believe how easy this is. I've shown it to all my friends and they were blown away. Thank you for sharing this! *Disclaimer: Individual results may vary and results may not be typical.

Robert, from Cleveland

About The Author

Zack Bennett is a 42-year-old professional carpenter who lives in Orlando, Florida, with his wife and daughter. He and his family suffered a traumatic home intrusion one night when the local power grid unexpectedly went out. In the wake of this unfortunate incident, he was inspired to discover a way of keeping his property well illuminated in any and all circumstances.

Zack's research kept leading him back to a single answer: solar power. But how could he inexpensively lay out enough solar panels in his tiny 500-square-foot backyard? Backyard Revolution is his way to share his incredible solution to this problem with people everywhere.

How It Works?

Zack Bennett's primary inspiration for his Backyard Revolution system came in the form of a 2012 MIT study. The key component of this study was a unique, small-scale 3D solar array that stacked panels on top of one another rather than laying them out horizontally. The genius of this vertically oriented design was the specific, tilted, zigzag positioning of each panel, enabling them to receive 100-percent sun exposure while taking up precious little space.

Backyard Revolution repurposes this basic solar array layout for practical use, making it larger and infinitely more powerful.

Although substantially bigger than the tabletop MIT prototype, the Backyard Revolution system still occupies less than ten square feet overall. Even better, you can set it up in short time, and it will keep operating with little or no necessary maintenance for years on end.

Instant Access to The Backyard Revolution™!

Regular Price: $247

TODAY: $17

Limited Time Only!

I now feel some sort of inner peace that I never had before. We know we'll have our lights on no matter what happens, and before Backyard Revolution it just wasn't the case.  *Disclaimer: Individual results may vary and results may not be typical.

Luanne, Dallas

Hearing that I could cut 50% off my monthly bill in less than a couple of weeks flew in the face of everything I'd been told. I've been a skeptic my entire life... But my wife pushed me to give your system a try.

I can't believe the results. Within the first two weeks, my readings had gone from an average of 290Kw to 85. And I was actually burning more power on heating after the first snowfall. Thank you so much for sharing this with me... I think every single American needs to know about this! *Disclaimer: Individual results may vary and results may not be typical.

My good friend Andy

What Do You Get In The Backyard Revolution™ System?

Backyard Revolution System

  • Three essential tweaks to your energy system that can help you maximize your power output.
  • Easy to use, step-by-step, A to Z blueprints that anybody can follow to generate an abundance of inexpensive and green electricity.
  • An incredibly valuable video presentation that explains and displays every step of the Backyard Revolution process in intricate detail. For maximum convenience, you can pause, rewind, and replay this video as many times as you want as you work.

If you act now, you'll also receive five amazing bonus products with your Backyard Revolution purchase...

Bonus #1: Homestead EMP Protection Protocol (Value $47)

This special report can take your Backyard Revolution system to the next level, transforming into a nearly indestructible off-grid power generator that is made to withstand EMP disturbances and any other potentially devastating man-made or natural catastrophe that might take out your local power grid for months or more.

Bonus #2: Energy Stockpiling Secrets (Value $47)

With Energy Stockpiling Secrets, you'll be able to effectively store the excess power that your Backyard Revolution system produces. You'll not only learn which batteries are best for this type of storage but the best methods to keep them charged with reserve electricity. This report even teaches you how to revive old batteries and make new ones from the spare parts and material scraps that might be laying around your house and/or garage.

Bonus #3: Homestead Alternative Energy Sources (Value $47)

Homestead Alternative Energy Sources builds on the exceptional results of the Backyard Revolution system with other key energy saving and producing solutions that even the most dedicated of power enthusiasts have never heard or thought about. Like the other Backyard Revolution bonuses, you'll get this special report at no additional cost.

Bonus #4: 1-Year Unlimited Email Support

With the Backyard Revolution program, you're on a direct path to energy self-sufficiency. It's your step-by-step blueprint to set up your power plant by day's end. And as a bonus, you get 12 months of unlimited email access. Got questions about Backyard Revolution? We're here to answer them for a full year!

Bonus #5: 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

You'll be completely thrilled with how easy this is to build and with how much you'll be saving in the first two months alone or simply send us an email in the next 60 days and we'll give you a full refund, no question asked.

After watching your presentation and seeing the science you presented, I was M-A-D MAD. I couldn't believe I'd been lied to for so many years, when the secret to saving all that money had been sitting in front of me. But I will say this: the anger turned to pure joy as I started getting those light bills in the mail. Who could be angry about that? *Disclaimer: Individual results may vary and results may not be typical.

Ryan, from New Orleans

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • If going solar is so good, why aren't more people doing it?

    Many people are intimidated by the overall cost and complicated nature of solar panel systems, particularly when they must cram a solar array into a relatively small space. Backyard Revolution avoids both of these pitfalls by presenting a highly affordable solar power system that is surprisingly simple.

  • How hard will this be to make?

    A one-man job that requires precious little strength or know-how, Backyard Revolution is incredibly easy to build. In short, if you can cut a plank of wood, you can create your own Backyard Revolution system.

  • How long will this take?

    The Backyard Revolution video is scarcely over 30 minutes in length. After watching it, you will have the basic knowledge that you will need to complete your entire Backyard Revolution project in a very short time. Enlist a helper to assist you, and you can get the job done even faster!

  • I don't have a lot of space. Will this work for me?

    The Backyard Revolution system is specifically designed to fit into incredibly tight places. In fact, its extraordinarily compact solar array will occupy less than 10 square feet in total.

  • I live in a cold state. Will this work for me?

    A solar panel simply doesn’t care whether it is hot or cold outside. As long as it can collect rays of sunlight, it will continually produce electricity. In the depth of winter, the coldest days are generally the sunniest.

  • Can I power an entire house with this?

    Backyard Revolution author Zack Bennett warns against relying exclusively on any single source of power because no single source of power is guaranteed to work continuously without fail. However, the Backyard Revolution system can be scaled to power your entire house with ease.

Instant Access to The Backyard Revolution™!

Regular Price: $247

TODAY: $17

Limited Time Only!

Our 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

To make your purchasing decision easier, we are proud to offer a 60-day unconditional money back guarantee. If you aren’t completely satisfied with The Backyard Revolution, simply contact us within 60 days of purchase for a full refund. No worries, no hassles, no questions asked!